Spring/ Summer at Country Folks Gifts, Part 1, First Floor

 Downton Abbey Section at Country Folk

First I want to Thank Beverly over at How Sweet The Sound  
for featuring my post, Wanna See What I Bought @ The Dollar Tree?, as the Most Clicked On from last week's Pink Saturday Party!!
Thanks so much, Beverly!!

If you have anything PINK to share or just love PINK then you have to visit and link up to Beverly's Pink Saturday Party!!

Country Folk Gifts in Nescopeck, Pa. is a 20 minute drive from my house on Interstate 81 and then Interstate 80.

It is my favorite place to visit at Christmas but since we were on vacation, we decided to take a ride up to see what it looks like normally.

This is Country Folk Gifts.  It is a 3 story barn on a family Farm that is still in operation located in a Valley surrounded by Mountains.
There are 3 Floors of Merchandise plus a Display House!!!
First let me show you the beauty that surrounds it.

These are considered the Pocono Mountains.

If you are watching the Race at Pocono Raceway, We are about an hour away with many tourists staying in our area for the Race........
It was a partly Sunny day......
And here is our car in the parking lot....
You can see that the farm equipment is not far away.....
And there are several other buildings on the huge property......
As you walk up onto the wrap around porch, these are some of the items featured on the porch.........
Look at those huge metal spheres hanging above the bench!!
There is one sitting in the pot on the bench......

Gazing Balls.....
Love these Bird Nests!!
Sorry it is blurry but I had to show you this!!
More spheres above this seating area.....
Okay, let go inside.......

When you walk in, this is straight ahead of you!!
A Murphy Bed!!

For those of you who do not know what a Murphy bed is, it can be folded back up into the wall!!
In Part 2 when I share the second floor with you, you will see the Single Bed version!!

A Polish Pottery section.....
 Love this fan!!
And look at these fans!!
YES!!  They are fans!!
I love how everything is set up in Room Vignettes....
Be still my heart!!

You know me with RED!!
There is a whole Red section upstairs too!!
As you turn to walk into 2 rooms off the main show area on the first floor , this is what you see!!

Country Folks homage to Downton Abbey!!!!!

Now at Christmas , there were no pillars here and the walls were not green and I will explain in a minute.......
Okay, beautiful walls, right????????
Remember that this is a WOOD barn?????

The walls are fabric attached to panels applied to the walls!!!!!!
See the panels covered with fabric?????
Now let's look at the table......
Beautiful, huh?
Love this!!
 This is where the linens are kept for this section......
 Now about those pillars......

Take a good look....
See the seam?

It is the corregated roofing material you buy at Lowe's or any other building supply store!!

They just wrapped it in a circle and fastened it together and then sponge painted it!!!!!!

I beleive they used wood circles painted the same way for the base and the top!!

Ingenius! Wouldn't you say??????
Those pillars divided this room into 2 areas.........

The sitting area......
Same treatment on this wall.....
LOVE the lace curtains!!  You will see lots of lace curtains too!
Now you walk to the left and go into my favorite room at Country Folks.....the Fireplace Room!!

But wait.....

They have turned it into a Kitchen like area!!!!!!!
Again, part of the Downton Abbey Section!!

I LOVE this wall!!!!
Yes, you do have to step down!!
Look at the copper!!
 I could see all of this in my Kitchen if I had room!!
 Check the mirror in the sink!
 And now to that great fireplace!!
 Love all of it!!
 What a great homage to Downton Abbey!!

Now back into the main part of the first floor.......
And this is a cute vignette on the landing walking up to the second floor.....
 Part 2 of Country Folk Gifts in the Spring/ Summer will  feature the 2nd Floor!!

Please click HERE for Part 2

There will be a Part 3 featuring the 3rd Floor and Part 4 featuring the Display House. I took a lot of pictures so I do not want to overwhelm you!!

I will be sharing the rest of My Tour of Country Folk Gifts over the next few weeks.

So I hope you will be back to visit and see more of this fantastic place!!

I am so glad that we decided to take a ride there......

If you would like to see Country Folk Gifts Decorated for Christmas last year, please click HERE

  HERE is a link to Country Folk  Facebook site and HERE is the link to the new web site for Country Folk Gifts

My vacation is almost over. We went to yard sales and a few church flea markets today and wait until you see all I bought!!


 I will be linking up to these great parties this week:

 June Garden Party

 Summer Celebration Party!
Seasonal Sunday
That DIY Party
Inspired Sunday( Formerly Vintage View Sunday)
Submarine Sunday
Share It One More Time Sundays
DIY SHowcase 
 Clever Chicks Blog Hop 
Sunday Showcase 
Share It Sunday
Sunday's Best Partay! 
Link It or Lump It Sunday 
 Sundays at Home

Wednesdays Make, Bake and Create party
 Fluster's Creative Muster Wednesday's
Wow Us Wednesday
Sizzle into Summer Party
 Lovely Ladies Linky Party
What's It Wednesday
 Wednesdays Adorned From Above Linky Party
Ducks in a Row Wonderful Wednesdays Blog Hop 
 Before and After Party
 Worthwhile Wednesdays 
Wake Up Wednesdays 
Whatever Goes Wednesday 
 Pretty Wednesdays Linky Party
 Wow Me Wednesday

Home and Garden Party Thursday
  Homemaking Weekend Link Up Party
Time Travel Thursday
 Open House Party
Share Your Cup Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
 Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
  Create it Thursday 
Inspired Creations Linky Party
Grace at Home Party
All Things Pretty Thursdays
Catch a Glimpse Thursday
  Tablescape Thursday 
 Fabulously Frugal Thursdays
 Thursday Sweet Haute Share Linky Party

 Simple and Sweet Fridays
Home Sweet Home Friday
Be Inspired Fridays
  Fridays Unfolded Linky Party
 Show and Tell Friday
  Let's Get Real Friday Party
  Feathered Nest Friday
 Friday Favorites
 Flaunt It Fridays
 Fabulously Creative Friday Linky Party at Jennifer Rizzo's
  Eat. Create. Party
 What To Do Weekends
Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop
 Anything Goes Linky Party
Anything Blue  Fridays
The Party Bunch
Friday's Five Features Party 
Craft Frenzy Friday 
Creativity Unleashed Link Party 
  Inspiration Gallery Link Party
 The Creative Exchange
 Weekends Are Fun Blog Hop 
 Fabulous Fridays

Best of the Weekend Party
 The Creative Collection Link Party
From the Farm Blog Hop
Pink Saturday
 Strut Your Stuff Saturdays
   Serenity  Saturday
Say G' Day Saturday 

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit with me!


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