Wanna See What I Bought & What I Did With Some of It? ??

 First, I want to Thank Kathy, over at Life on Lakeshore Drive, for featuring my post,
My Bright and Colorful Patio, Part 1, as one of Pick of the Bunch Features from last week's
Bouquet of Talent Party!!
Thanks so much, Kathy!!

And I also want to Thank Dawn, over at Spatulas on Parade, for also featuring my post,
 My Bright and Colorful Patio, Part 1, from last week's, The Southern Special Party!
  Thanks so much , Dawn!!

And Thanks to Brooke, over at Creative Country Mom's Garden, for featuring my post,
 My Bright and Colorful Patio , Part 2, from last week's Home Sweet Garden Party!!
Thanks so much , Brooke!!

Please take some time to stop by and visit these wonderful hostesses and/or link up to these great parties!!!!!

I've recently have gone to several yard sales, church Flea Markets and Salvation Army in the past few weeks even though I vowed I would stay away!!

Just couldn't do it!!

Not long ago I posted that I went to a Church Flea Market where I bought several really nice things.

They had it for 2 more Saturdays and added new things each week so I went back the following week

and this is what I bought.......
Just a few goodies......
This wonderful garland was $1.00 and there are 3 large pieces of it!!!
This set of Lanterns was $5.00!!
And you have already seen what I did with them on the front porch!!

The larger one with a flameless candle on a timer in it.......
And the smaller one with a tea light in it!
This wood tray for 50 cents!!
These book ends for $2.00!
 And they found a place on this shelf in the Den with a picture of the wonderful man who built my Victorian Doll House.....
And this for $1.00 and it is perfect for tea cups and saucers!!
Then the town where our church is located had a Town Wide Yard Sale Day.

This is what I bought that day.......

A replica of an antique phone for $2.00
 Here is where it found a home......
 2 pairs of curtains that were never used for $3.00 each.
They will be perfect in my Den!!

A Copper Lantern for $2.00!!
And this sweet step ladder that was $2.00!!
I used it as a plant stand on the Patio!
And you may have seen this at a distance in my Patio photos in previous posts....
This chair was $7.00 and we took the seat off and put a pot in it......
I didn't even paint it as I liked the chippy finish on it!!

And I also bought this lovely swag for $2.00!!

 Then I hit Salvation Army one day......

And I found these beauties!!
Now I already have some pieces of this pattern and have used them at Christmas and in the china cupboard in the Den for St. Patrick's Day.
All the pieces were $1.00 each and I bought 10 pieces.......

There were more pieces and YES, I am kicking myself that I did not buy all that was there at the time because when I went back after thinking about it for a few days, all that was left was one more saucer!!!

Boo Hoo!!  Stupid me!!

It won't ever happen again!!

This is a vegetable bowl!!
2 soup bowls........
2 dinner plates.......

I have 4 already but I could have bought more!!  Stupid me!!!
2 cups and 2 saucers and I was able to buy one more saucer when I went back as you never know where you may find a cup!!
I like this set at Christmas because it has a Charles Dickens like quality to the pictures on the dishes.....
And it is great for St. Patrick's Day as it is green!!!

I also bought these at Salvation Army.......
 It was $4.99 and perfect for an outdoor Winter decoration as there is nothing that pertains to Christmas on it......
 I love the red on it and it is brand new with the tag still on.......

 And this pretty Christmas swag in pink for $5.99!!
 Anything in pink for Christmas, I buy because pink Christmas decorations are hard to find.....

You may remember that I bought these shopping bags awhile back and wanted to frame them......
  I put them into white frames that I bought on clearance in Target for 75 cents each and stashed them away.
  Of course, they are now in my Kitchen but that is a post for another time.....

And you may also remember these that I bought at the Church Flea Market that was held for several Saturdays .......

A Swag.......
A Spray.......
 2 Candle Rings......
 And here is where I put them......

The swag went above the doors of the washer and dryer closet.....
 I hung the swag from the vintage tole tray.........
 And the candle rings were added to black beaded candle rings on the sconces......
 My neighbor cleaned out her storage area and donated what she no longer wanted to our church Flea Market but she was having a hard time giving up one piece that she had received as a gift from a dear friend when she moved into her first apartment.

When she said that if there was anything I wanted, to just take it, I immediately knew I wanted her treasured piece......
 It is an Ethan Allen Solid Brass Magazine Rack!!!

After polishing it up a bit, it looks fantastic!!
 And my neighbor is thrilled that it went to a good home of someone she knows who will take good care of it!

I hope you enjoyed seeing all my new treasures!!

I thought I would give you a little update on what is new with me personally since I haven't really had time to add any personal notes in my posts lately.

I started Physical Therapy last week because of the 5 compression fractures in my back...2 in the cervical area and 3 in the thoracic area.  I will go once a week. The therapist told me I had such a muscle knot in the area of my right shoulder that it actually felt like a bone!!!

I had my knee injected in May and it was really good for a month until while hurrying to a yard sale across a lawn, I stepped into a little hole, jarring my knee so now it acts up a lot but I will gladly take  one month of  my right knee being pain free. I am due to have it injected again in September.

Yes, with all this , I am still working full time!!  I plan on going part time in 18 months when 2 of my co-workers retire when they are 62 years old.

And I have gotten myself  involved in something AGAIN!!!

I am going to be mentoring a young guy from our church who will be taking over running our church Flea Market.  He is an excellent worker and has helped us out many times, working the Craft Fair in the Kitchen for us and at every Church Fund Raiser that our parish holds.

Our priest , personally, called me to ask if I would run a Flea Market for the parish in August and more or less," orient" this young man as to how I ran the Flea Market for over 12 years and guide him in pricing.

How could I say no???????

I did agree to do it ONLY this time and would help out when he takes it over next year.

The Garage that our parish uses to store things is full of donated items . There is no way we can price things before they are brought down to the Hall so we will price everything in the hall.  I will be doing all the advertising and then working on this event for one week. Then it will be over and I will start on the paper work needed for the Fall Craft Fair that I Co-Chair.

Yes, there is an S on my chest and it is not for Super....it is for Sucker!!


I hope you will come back to visit for my next post when I share with you how my Cottage Garden is growing!!

I am linking up to these parties:

Wednesdays Make, Bake and Create party
 Fluster's Creative Muster Wednesday's
Wow Us Wednesday
Sizzle into Summer Party
 Lovely Ladies Linky Party
What's It Wednesday
 Wednesdays Adorned From Above Linky Party
Ducks in a Row Wonderful Wednesdays Blog Hop 
 Before and After Party
 Worthwhile Wednesdays 
Wake Up Wednesdays 
Whatever Goes Wednesday 
 Pretty Wednesdays Linky Party
 Wow Me Wednesday

Home and Garden Party Thursday
  Homemaking Weekend Link Up Party
Time Travel Thursday
 Open House Party
Share Your Cup Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
 Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
  Create it Thursday 
Inspired Creations Linky Party
Grace at Home Party
Handmade Hangout Party
 Fabulously Frugal Thursdays
 Thursday Sweet Haute Share Linky Party
Garden Party

 Simple and Sweet Fridays
Home Sweet Home Friday
Be Inspired Fridays
  Fridays Unfolded Linky Party
 Show and Tell Friday
  Let's Get Real Friday Party
  Feathered Nest Friday
 Friday Favorites
 Flaunt It Fridays
 Fabulously Creative Friday Linky Party at Jennifer Rizzo's
  Eat. Create. Party
 What To Do Weekends
Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop
 Anything Goes Linky Party
Anything Blue  Fridays
The Party Bunch
Friday's Five Features Party 
Craft Frenzy Friday 
Creativity Unleashed Link Party 
  Inspiration Gallery Link Party
 The Creative Exchange
Fertilizer Friday 
Weekends Are Fun Blog Hop 
Fabulous Fridays

Best of the Weekend Party
 The Creative Collection Link Party
From the Farm Blog Hop
Pink Saturday
Party Junk
 Strut Your Stuff Saturdays
Saturday Show and Tell 
  Serenity  Saturday
Say G' Day Saturday 
What I've Been Buying- Monthly Party 
 Seasonal Sunday
Bouquet of Talent Linky Party
That DIY Party
Submarine Sunday
Share It One More Time Sundays
DIY SHowcase 
 Clever Chicks Blog Hop 
Sunday Showcase 
Share It Sunday
Link It or Lump It Sunday
Sundays at Home
Sunday's Best Partay! -monthly

Mod Vintage Mix Monday
 Make It Pretty Monday
 Monday Link Party 
Inspire Me Monday

The DIY'ers 
Treasure Box Tuesday 
 History and Home Party
 Cottage Style Linky Party 
Trash 2 Treasure Linky Party 
Time to Sparkle Party 
Home Sweet Garden Party
 Lou Lou Girl's Linky Party
The Southern Special

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit with me!


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