Chocolate Fondant

Makes 12 individual petits gâteaux


120g of dark chocolate
90g of coconut oil or fat
30g of bitter cocoa powder
75g brown sugar
3 eggs
60g flour
1/4 sachet of baking powder (1/2 tea spoon)
1 pinch of salt
Optional: 50g of a mixture of macadamia nuts and pecans, coarsely chopped
a good grip of coconut chips


Preheat the oven to 180°c.

Place chocolate and the coconut oil or fat to melt, and add the sugar.

Beat eggs for 5 minutes with a mixer, then add the chocolate. After sprinkle the flour and the baking powder.

At this point, add or not 50g chopped walnuts, chocolate chips, dried fruit, almonds, etc ...

Pour into small molds 3/4.
Bake for 10 minutes if you want your casting center, 5 min for a result + based but more cooked.

Do not try to unmold, sprinkle with coconut shavings, and put your spoon immediately.

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