Today's post will be linked up to these wonderful parties:

Pink Saturday- Visit Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound

Blue Monday- Visit Sally @ Smiling Sally

Show Off Your Cottage Monday- Visit Cielo @ The House in the Roses

Mellow Yellow Monday- Click HERE to visit

I am celebrating today!! I have 100 + followers!!! Never did I ever dream that over 100 of you would be interested in what I think and in what I do!! Thank you so very much!!
I will be announcing a giveaway and a special surprise for my first 100 followers next weekend on Pink Saturday so stay tuned!!

But first , I want to tell you about Olivia over at Olivia's Romantic Home. I visited her last week and fell in love with her absolutely stunning blog. She is a Shabby Chic type of gal who has decorated her home with amazing things and I just know you all will agree with me and be drooling over her lovely home. She had done some fantastic furniture transformations so don't forget to drop by and spend some time at
Olivia's Romantic Home !!

Now I am going to show you my Guest Room which was originally my youngest son's room. I had no idea what I was going to do with this room when he moved out last October. I have been "dabbling" in it for awhile and this is what I have done.

First I want to show you a lamp shade that I covered and embellished to match my bistro chair that I showed you all last week. Click here if you missed the chair redo!

Yes, it is one of my vintage lamps that I collect!

I covered the lamp shade with the same fabric (which is a tablecloth) as the chair. I added trim, fringe, beads , a beautiful pink handmade rose and a pink pearl that was from a vintage earring clip.

Sitting on top of the lamp shade is a cute little tiara.

Below is what one side of the room looks like. You will recognize the lamp shade with the little tutu skirt cover. Since you saw it last, I added the fringe to it!

The tea cup shelf I showed you in this week's Tea Tuesday's post. Click here to see the shelf up close and to see close up' s of the Teddy Bear Tea Party.

The linen was bought at a flea market for $8.00. To see what the Battenburg Lace pillows looked like before I embellished them, click here
to see Thursday's post.

The shelves were what my son had all of his DVD's on.

This is on the wall at the foot of the bed. Check out the cute vintage planter on the shelf.

Below, is a pic of the "mantle" on my faux fireplace.

This is in front of the hearth of my faux fireplace! The lace mantle scarf was bought at a yard sale for $1.00!!

A close up of the arrangement on the wall above the faux fireplace. The light house oil painting was a $10 flea market find!

I placed a cute little knick knack shelf on top

This is one of a pair of vintage candlesticks. The victorian houses were a gift from my online friend, Teresa. Hubby bought me the Victorian shoe box. And the Victorian shoe planter was a yard sale find for $1.00.

A close up of the little shelf.
The nurse figurine was given to me when I entered nursing school by my "big sister". I am dating myself now because I am a diploma school nurse and it was customary for a member of the junior class to adopt a freshman as a "little sister". That was 35 years ago!!

The shoes were given to me by a sweet lady who helps me when I run our church flea market.

Remember the bistro chair from last week?

Sorry this is so bright but the sun pours into the windows in the back of the house all day long.

The shelves on each side of the window once housed my son's stereo equipment.

A close up of a sweet vintage planter that I fell in love with.

The shelves on the other side of the window. You may recognize the ladies head planter from my Blue Monday post. If you missed it, click here

A close up of another vintage planter

And last, a vintage nightgown that I have hung on the door . This was a gift from my good friend, Joan. I added the night cap.

On to my front yard.........
this is one of my azalea's. The rest have not bloomed yet.

This is the front of my house. I live in a townhouse which is in a row of 10 others.

We do not have a garage and this is taken from our parking lot. These are my Phlox in full bloom!

I have to walk up 13 steps to the front of my house!! I never gave it a thought when we bought this house and I was 20 years old!!!

I have to add more phlox to the top of the slope.

This is looking down the row of townhouses to my left as I face my house. Those are the steps up to my house on the right.

Some of my neighbors went with the deeper color.

Too bad these don't flower all summer long!

I hope this wasn't too long of a post!!

Remember, my giveaway announcement next Pink Saturday!!

Thanks for stopping by today and everyday that you take the time to visit me!


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