Below are some of my Crafts that I had displayed in a local shop about two years ago. Unfortunately, due to the economy, the shop was forced to close.
I do Victorian Style crafts and below are just a few things that I have made.
I needed to take a break last Fall because too many things were going on. I did used to sell on Ebay under the ID of Agnes*sAttic and I do a few local Craft Fairs.
I started this post by saying that I am grateful for the gift of Time. About 5 years ago, I went to the ER with right sided flank pain , thinking it was a kidney stone. The Dr. thought that too as my CT scan showed an obstruction in the right ureter which is the tube that goes from the kidney to the bladder. I did not pass the "stone" so I was scheduled for it to be removed via scope at a local Surgi- Center. After the scope, I was told that it was not a stone but in fact, a tumor. I was then scheduled two weeks later at the hospital for an attempt to remove it via laser. If they could not remove it that way, I would have to have my kidney removed. I signed the consent for that possibility.
I was VERY lucky! They were able to remove it via laser and it had not spread anywhere. It was Stage I Squamous Cell Carcinoma- cancer. If I did not have symptoms (and most people do not until it invades the kidney) , things could have been far worse for me as I needed no chemo or radiation.
I still remain cancer free and I am very GRATEFUL for the gift of time that I have been granted.
It is for this reason that I started my little craft business. I realized that I needed to do what I wanted to do with the extra time I had been given.
My favorite saying is "It is never too late to be what you might have been"
Now you know why my Craft/Sewing Room means so much to me and is filled with the things I love and all of the family momentos.
So that is my little story.
Never ignore any symptoms that you have that you know is not right. Go to your Dr. and have them checked out. You just may save your own life!
I want to thank Ginger at Glitter and Roses for showing some of my crafted items that I gifted her. I met Ginger on another great site and we became good friends. She encouraged and inspired me to start my own blog after she started hers. Please stop by and visit her.
Love and Hugs to you all,
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